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Unity SDK TokenContract object

The Unity SDK class TezosSDK.Tezos.API.Models.TokenContract, which is available at runtime as the TezosManager.Instance.Tezos.TokenContract object, provides a built-in FA2-compatible smart contract and convenience methods to work with it.

For information about FA2 contracts and tokens, see FA2 tokens.

The Michelson source code of the built-in contract is in the Resources/Contracts folder of the SDK.


These properties are populated after you deploy the contract with the Deploy() method:

  • Address: The address of the deployed contract
  • TokensCount: The total number of token types in the contract
  • LastActivityTime: The timestamp of the last time tokens were minted or transferred



The TokenContract class has constructors, but they are for internal use. Use the Deploy() method instead.


void Deploy(Action<string> completedCallback)

Deploys (originates) a contract based on the built-in contract, including prompting the connected wallet to pay the origination fees.


  • completedCallback: A callback method to run when the contract is deployed, which receives the address of the new contract


public void HandleDeploy()

private void OnContractDeployed(string contractAddress)


void Mint(
Action<TokenBalance> completedCallback,
TokenMetadata tokenMetadata,
string destination,
int amount)

Calls the Mint entrypoint of the contract to create a token type and mint tokens.


  • completedCallback: A callback method to run when the token is minted, which receives a TokenBalance object with information about the new token
  • tokenMetadata: A TokenMetadata object with information about the new token
  • destination: The account that owns the new token, which can be a user account or a smart contract account
  • amount: The number of tokens of the new type to create


var initialOwner = TezosManager

const string imageAddress = "ipfs://QmX4t8ikQgjvLdqTtL51v6iVun9tNE7y7Txiw4piGQVNgK";

var tokenMetadata = new TokenMetadata
Name = "My token",
Description = "Description for my token",
Symbol = "MYTOKEN",
Decimals = "0",
DisplayUri = imageAddress,
ArtifactUri = imageAddress,
ThumbnailUri = imageAddress

completedCallback: OnTokenMinted,
tokenMetadata: tokenMetadata,
destination: initialOwner,
amount: 100);

private void OnTokenMinted(TokenBalance tokenBalance)
Debug.Log($"Successfully minted token with Token ID {tokenBalance.TokenId}");


void Transfer(
Action<string> completedCallback,
string destination,
int tokenId,
int amount)

Transfers tokens from the currently connected account to the destination account.


  • completedCallback: A callback method to run when the token is minted, which receives the hash of the transfer transaction
  • destination: The account to send the token to, which can be a user account or a smart contract account
  • tokenId: The ID of the token to transfer
  • amount: The number of tokens to transfer


public void HandleTransfer()
completedCallback: TransferCompleted,
destination: address.text,
tokenId: int.Parse(id.text),
amount: int.Parse(amount.text));

private void TransferCompleted(string txHash)
Logger.LogDebug($"Transfer complete with transaction hash {txHash}");